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Welcome to JKA WF Bangladesh-The keeper of Karate's highest tradition

Katsutoshi Shiina(8th DAN)

JKA WF Bangladesh Shihan



Greetings to all members of JKA WF Bangladesh

Karate-do mproves your physical and mental health, Build self-esteem and strengthen your self-confidence and even Improve your academic performance by raising your level of energy, focus and concentration. Apart from these benefits, Karate-do helps to build a strong, humble and loyal person which is one of the greatest gift of japanese society to the world. 

I have assumed the responsibility of President of JKA WF Bangladesh from the day of its inception as an association of person and over the year have witnessed the tremendous growth of JKA karate in Bangladesh. JKA WF Bangladesh have facilitated the development of the quality of Karate in Bangladesh by inviting world famous japanese karate masters regularly untill the intervention of Covid 19 and JKA WF Bangladesh was pioneer in that task during the period of 2016 to 2020.   

After that troubled period we have regrouped and resultantly we are growing quickly as a significant national sport body with members countrywide and are open to everyone with a passion and enthusiasm for traditional Karate. We believe in Karate for all with no barriers to participation.

I am committed to lead JKA WF Bangladesh to a level of growth and development that will make a significant change in the overall development of Karate in Bangladesh.  

Your future is our future and together we are stronger. Welcome to the JKA.


Hafizur Rahman


JKA WF Bangladesh



Affordable Fees

Coaching and exam fees are kept low to ensure that students from all economic backgrounds can train, and progress.

Global Standard of Training

Training curriculum is aligned to the technical standards of JKA Honbu dojo, Tokyo.

JKA Passport, Diploma & Qualification

Get your Seminars, Exams, Qualifications & Tournaments recorded & stamped in your JKA Passport.

Annual Camps

Training camps are held annually in different states under the guidance of Japanese Masters followed by the JKA Dan & Licensing Exams.

Foreign Trips

We take our eligible members on foreign karate educational trips annually. Expenses are kept low to accommodate all.

Member of BKF

Our members are eligible to participate in the official all styles District, State, and National Championships of the NF.

Seek Perfection of Your Character.

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